Email city council to support safe bike routes!

As a constituent who cares deeply about the safety and sustainability of our community, I am writing to support the Top 11 Project status of the following Measure R Mobility Improvement Projects:

1) North/South Greenways to reduce high speed, cut-through traffic on neighborhood streets, making residential areas quieter and safer.  

2) Continental Crosswalks to enhance pedestrian safety at more than 100 intersections.

3) Avenue 64 Complete Streets Program to install long-overdue safety improvements on a dangerous road.

4) Traffic Calming and Complete Streets Program for Pasadena and St. John Avenues, with the enhancements detailed in the letter from the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition, to repair two corridors damaged by Caltrans decades ago.

I also support the request of the Friends of the Arroyo Link that the City Council direct Staff to repackage the Arroyo Link project as a $10 million design and build project. I recognize that an alternative route may be identified and selected as part of the design process. 

Please approve the top 11 priorities approved by the Municipal Services Committee and DOT staff.  Together, these changes will improve mobility, safety, public health, and sustainability across the entire city.

Thank you!