Memorial Gathering for Phillip O'Neill

Please join us next week Wednesday for a memorial gathering at Phillip O’Neill’s ghost bike in Pasadena.

Phillip O’Neill was riding his bicycle on Del Mar Blvd. when he was struck from behind and killed by a motorist on June 15, 2013. Phillip was 25, a cyclist, a martial artist, and had recently started a career in science policy advising. He is remembered and well-loved by his many friends and family.

Pasadena CSC formed in July 2013 as a direct response to a string of fatal bicycle fatalities in Pasadena, including this one.  On this third anniversary, we’d like to come together once again to remember Phillip, quietly reflect on the past three years, and pledge to keep moving forward.

This will be a quiet, casual event; however, all who feel led are welcome to attend. We’ll be giving the ghost bike some new decorations and TLC, if you’d like to bring flowers, candles, etc. - although your kind and respectful presence is the most important thing.


Ghost Bike Memorial for Alan Deane 9/22


Walktober - Pasadena Pedestrian Safety Month