Ghost Bike Memorial for Alan Deane 9/22


Alan Deane was a much loved member of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley bicycling communities. A talented musician and thoughtful activist, he was also a figure in numerous progressive groups, musicians’ groups, and was a regular at KPCC’s Crawford Family Forum.

Alan was tragically killed by a motor vehicle driver in Pasadena on September 22, 2011 (Alan’s 61st birthday) as he was riding to KPCC for an event. The driver was ultimately convicted of Reckless Driving and was given a mere slap on the wrist for taking Alan away from his friends and family. His death was one of several that motivated the formation of the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition.

Join us for the memorial installation of a ghost bike for Alan on the 5th anniversary of his untimely death. All are welcome. ​

  • Date: Thursday September 22, 2016

  • Time: 7:00 pm

  • Location: SW corner of Colorado Blvd. & Terrace Dr., Pasadena

Attendees are welcome to say a few words about Alan and to bring flowers and/or candles.


2016 Retrospective


Memorial Gathering for Phillip O'Neill