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Urban Walkers: West Pasadena Neighborhood Walk

  • Pasadena Village 236 West Mountain Street Pasadena, CA, 91103 United States (map)

Hosted by Pasadena Village, the Urban Walkers meet for a 2 to 5 mile walk on Friday mornings in neighborhoods of the greater Pasadena area. The members take turns leading walks and determining the route…

On 10/28, the walk will be hosted by member Sally Asmundson. Meet in the parking lot at the Village Office. We will walk about 3 miles in the general neighborhood and meet at the Village for coffee, tea, and pastries after the walk. This will be a fitting way to end the last Pasadena Village walk in October and their Open October series.

We also recommend sunblock and a hat. Bring water.

This event is part of Pasadena Walktober 2022, made possible by the City of Pasadena Department of Transportation.

October 26

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