Welcome to the 5th Annual Pasadena Walktober 2022. This year we’re back to in-person walks and we’re so happy to be together again!!
Below is a complete listing of all the guided in-person walks. Click on the image or title of the walk for more information and use the “Register” buttons to RSVP on our corresponding Eventbrite pages. Some walks are strictly limited to a certain number of participants, while others are not. Either way, we encourage you to register early to assure your space and help us manage the walks.
We’ve also included some self-guided walking tours, using online resources posted below. With the self-guided walks, you can enjoy exploring Pasadena on foot when and how you’d like - on your own, with your family, your partner, and even your pet.
We’re pleased to announce that this year Walktober is made possible by the City of Pasadena Department of Transportation and Day One is our lead partner. We’d also like to thank our many partners this year: Pasadena Heritage, Caltech, The Gamble House, The Pasadena Audubon Society, The NAACP Pasadena Branch, Old Pasadena, The Playhouse Village, the Washington Square Neighborhood Association and each of the City’s Council Districts.
What is Walktober?
Walktober is an annual event to get people walking in Pasadena. Walking is a deeply human activity, and we're excited to offer walks that reflect a wide range of reasons and ways to enjoy walking. Whether you walk for physical health, mental health, to meet people, to see new things, or simply to get things done (maybe all of the above!), we recognize and celebrate walking!
As part of your participation, we encourage you to take pictures and post them to social media using the hashtag #WalktoberPasadena.
You can also submit photos from your walks to info@pasadenacsc.org and be sure to let us know what walks you are participating in!
Use Hashtag #WalktoberPasadena and tag us on instagram, Facebook, Twitter!
Follow us at @day1do | @pasadenacsc | @CityofPasadena
For accessibility information and requests, contact (626) 744-7311 or CSC@cityofpasadena.net. Providing at least 72 hours advance notice will help ensure availability.

Audubon Book Signing and Bird Walk
Check out the new Pasadena Birding Guide and go for a bird walk.

Taste of East Washington Village with District 2 Councilmember Felicia Williams
Sample the fine foods and sweet treats on offer in the East Washington Village.

Guided Tour of Caltech's Historic Campus
Explore the noteworthy and innovative art and architecture of the Caltech campus.

Visita guiada del campus histórico de Caltech
Explore el arte y la arquitectura notables e innovadores del campus de Caltech. Este recorrido se realizará íntegramente en español.

Urban Walkers: West Pasadena Neighborhood Walk
Hosted by Pasadena Village, their Urban Walkers meet for a 2 to 5 mile walk led by different members on Friday mornings.

Power Walk: lululemon Pasadena Run/Walk Club
The lululemon Pasadena Run/Walk Club has been hitting the pavement since November 2021.

Lower Arroyo Nature Walk
Walk with us in the Lower Arroyo, a true hidden gem. La traducción al español estará disponible durante esta caminata.

Walking Tour of the Grace Hill Neighborhood #2
A walking tour that explores the history of the Grace Hill neighborhood that was the site of a grand estate.

Garden Tour of Washington Park with District 5 Councilmember Jess Rivas
Explore gardens and native plants in Washington Park and District 5

Walking Tour of the Grace Hill Neighborhood #1
A walking tour that explores the history of the Grace Hill neighborhood that was the site of a grand estate.

Howl-o-ween Parade & Costume Contest
A howling good time with your four legged canine friend.

Walk with District 7 Councilmember Andy Wilson
Walk with Councilmember Andy Wilson and his canine mascot, Gandalf.

Urban Walkers: Eaton Canyon
Hosted by Pasadena Village, their Urban Walkers meet for a 2 to 5 mile walk led by different members on Friday mornings.

Public Art in Pasadena #2
Explore Old Pasadena & the Playhouse Village - Pasadena’s oldest commercial districts - focusing on the artwork on display there.

Discover the Arroyo Link
Discover the Arroyo Link! The brainchild of visionary urbanist David Wolf.

Route 66 - Explore East Colorado Blvd. with District 4 Councilmember Gene Masuda
Explore East Colorado Blvd, aka Route 66.

Walk to the Gamble House with District 1 Councilmember Tyron Hampton
Walk to the world famous Gamble House with Council Member Tyron Hampton

ArtNight Pasadena on Foot
Join us as we visit ArtNight galleries and installations on foot.

Power Walk: lululemon Pasadena Run/Walk Club
The lululemon Pasadena Run/Walk Club has been hitting the pavement since November 2021.

Arroyo Seco Placekeepers presents The Place Where Things Come Together
Historical ecologies of the Arroyo Seco, experienced through science and storytelling

Arroyo Seco Placekeepers presenta El lugar que une a todas las cosas
La ecología histórica de Arroyo Seco, una experiencia a través de la ciencia y la narración de historias.

Public Art in Pasadena #1
Explore Old Pasadena & the Playhouse Village - Pasadena’s oldest commercial districts - focusing on the artwork on display there.

Pasadena African American History Walk with the NAACP Pasadena Branch
A guided walking tour of Pasadena African American History. Photo: Brian Biery

Pasadena Heritage Old Pasadena Walking Tour South
Pasadena Heritage Old Pasadena Walking Tour South

The Pasadena Hollywood Backlot Walking Tour
Join us for a guided tour of Pasadena film sites from your beloved blockbuster flicks!
Photo: David Wakely (cropped) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/

Discover Birding with the Pasadena Audubon Society
The Pasadena Audubon Society introduction to birding. Photo: Song Sparrow by Kathy Degner

Self-guided tours and other events.
Exploring Pasadena: Pasadena’s Grace Hill Neighborhood
Thursday, October 20 I 7:00 pm | Pasadena Museum of History
Learn about the evolution of Pasadena’s Grace Hill neighborhood from the time before the Indiana Colony settled this area to the present. The small hill changed ownership throughout the years before eventually becoming the home of William Stanton and his family in 1890. Grace Hill and the Stanton Mansion – designed by famed architect, Fredrick Roehrig – were later sold at auction and subdivided in 1922.
This event is being presented by the Pasadena Museum of History and is not officially part of Walktober. Tickets are available on Eventbrite here.
Image: Grace Hill. View of the entrance of the Stanton residence, 1910. Postcard Collection
City of Pasadena Self-Guided Walking Tours
The City of Pasadena has created four Walking Tours of historic buildings and districts in Pasadena, to highlight the City’s rich history and promote the value of historic preservation. These include Bungalow Courts, Victorian Era Neighborhoods, and Pegfair Estates Ranch Houses.
Public Art Walking Tour
Playhouse Village Association
Playhouse Village is home to numerous public art installations from murals and crosswalk art to sculptures and architecture, adding to the cultural richness of Pasadena’s premier arts district. In this self-guided tour, you’ll learn more about the many pieces and discover new parts of the beautiful neighborhood.
Self-Guided Audio Tours on izi.travel
Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition has created a collection of self-guided audio tours using the app/website izi.travel. We created these for past Walktobers when it wasn’t possible for us to gather in person. These tours are available anytime and work best if you download the app to your smartphone and activate your GPS to help guide your adventure.
City of Pasadena Self-guided Public Art Walks
The Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs has created nine self-guided walks featuring jewels from the City’s public art collection that showcase Pasadena’s unique character.
Architecture Walking Tour
Playhouse Village Association
Playhouse Village has a self-guided Historic Architecture Walking Tour that provides you with an understanding of the rich history and beautiful architectural landscape that is within the district. The walking tour takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
Transiting Los Angeles
Transiting Los Angeles is a local travel blog that describes places you can see in the Los Angeles area by using the transit system. It’s presented as a guide, written from the perspectives of both a native Angeleno and a transplant (who is a Pasadena resident). They include pictures and the occasional map so that you too can use transit to explore the many fascinating places the city has to offer. The Northeast LA/Pasadena section includes the Rose Parade Route, Caltech, and the Lower Arroyo.